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How to Stay Safe in Paris France

Are you planning a trip and wondering how to stay safe in Paris, France? 
What are the most common safety risks for tourists?
What precautions can travellers take to ensure the best trip possible?
Keep reading below to find out!

Title Page: How to Stay Safe in Paris France

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Paris is an incredible travel destination and is one of the world’s most visited cities. People are drawn to its iconic landmarks, such as the Eiffel Tower and Louvre Museum. Paris is a safe place to visit, with the majority of tourists spending time in the French capital without any issues. There are however, some unfortunate travellers that find themselves in an unexpected situation, such as victim of a crime. 

To fully enjoy your trip to Paris, take some time to familiarize yourself with the most common safety risks for tourists. There are basic precautions you can take to protect yourself from something dangerous or unpleasant happening while visiting the City of Love. Always know what to do should you find yourself in a negative situation abroad. For the most part, Paris is a safe place, but it’s always wise to be prepared. 

Common Safety Risks

Paris is an extraordinary city attracting millions of people every year. Fortunately, violent crimes against tourists are very rare. But like all other capital cities in the world, Paris has its share of criminals that target unsuspecting tourists. 

Pickpocketing, bag or phone snatching and petty tourist scams are the most common crimes committed. These crimes typically occur in noisy, crowded spaces such as while riding public transit or around popular tourist areas.

Don’t let thoughts of petty crime – or the rare instance of it – deter you from visiting Paris. There are simple ways to keep yourself safe, such as keeping an eye on your belongings and being aware of common pickpocketing and tourist scams. 

Pickpocketing, bag or phone snatching and petty tourist scams are the most common crimes committed. These crimes typically occur in noisy, crowded spaces such as while riding public transit or around popular tourist areas.

How to Stay Safe in Paris

Now that you know the most common safety risks, what can you do to stay safe in Paris?

Remain Vigilant 

The best way to avoid being pickpocketed or scammed in Paris is to remain vigilant. Pay attention to your surroundings, avoid wearing headphones and keep your valuables close. Consider purchasing a money belt and keep your backpack or luggage securely locked.

Plan your travel route and day’s activities in advance so that you know where you are going. Tourists are most vulnerable when distracted looking at their phone or viewing a map in a crowded area. If you appear confident, pickpockets will move on to an easier target. 

On an evening out, try to limit alcohol intake as this may decrease your awareness of what is going on around you. Keep an eye on your drink at all times. If you happen to set it down and walk away, pour your drink out and buy a new one. 

Tourists are most vulnerable when distracted looking at their phone or viewing a map in a crowded area.

Research Before Traveling 

Every traveller should research the destination they are planning to visit prior to their arrival. Check for travel warnings, expected weather forecasts and ensure you have the necessary documentation to permit entry. Double check that you meet visa requirements and have a valid passport. Visit your doctor or travel clinic to make sure all vaccinations are up-to-date.  

Before visiting Paris, learn about specific locations or situations (tourist sites, public transportation, travelling alone) that pose a higher risk of becoming the victim of a crime. 

Tourists are pickpocketed most often around the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral and along the Avenue des Champs-Elysées. Metro/train stations, especially Gare du Nord, are particularly high risk. Familiarize yourself with common pickpocketing and tourist scams (such as fake charity petitions and friendship bracelets).

Blend in with Locals

Tourists who arrive in Paris jetlagged, unfamiliar with the area and carrying several bags of luggage are an easy target for thieves. To avoid attracting attention to yourself, try to blend in with the locals. Pack light, dress appropriately, leave expensive items (jewellery, watches, etc.) at home and learn a few phrases in French. Pay with credit cards and avoid carrying large sums of cash. 

Stay Connected with Family & Friends

While visiting Paris, especially if travelling solo, it’s recommended to share your travel itinerary, accommodation reservation and details of any planned activities with a trusted friend or family member back home. I’ve made it my practice before I travel anywhere, to notify my loved-ones about where I’m going, what my general plans are and when I should be back. That way if something unexpected happens, at least someone knows I’m missing and can notify authorities. Alternatively, tell accommodation staff where you are going and when you are expected to return. 

Travel in a Group

Pickpockets and scammers most often target people travelling alone. Reduce your risk of becoming a victim by travelling with friends and family or join a group. 

↠ Explore Paris with a local on a Guided Walking Tour. They will know where to go and which places to avoid.
Get Your Guide offers a variety of guided tours within Paris so you don’t have to travel alone. 
↠ Purchase a Hop-On Hop-Off Bus Tour instead of boarding crowded trains at metro stations.
↠ Stay at hostel-style accommodation to meet like-minded travellers and explore the sights of Paris together. Find the perfect place at Hostelworld.  
↠ If you are seeking multi-day group tours, including travel within Paris and other nearby European destinations, check out experiences offered by G Adventures

Notify Your Bank 

There is nothing worse than travelling abroad and having your trip ruined because the bank put a hold on all of your accounts and blocked use of your credit cards. Transactions made out of country without prior notice, may get flagged as potentially fraudulent and can take several days to resolve. Avoid this situation by making sure to notify your financial institution in advance where you are travelling to and how long you expect to be there for. 

Seek Local Advice 

People who live in Paris or have travelled there previously can be a great source of information for first-time visitors. Seek recommendations from locals about what attractions to visit, where to stay, how to get around and how to keep yourself safe. In my experience, hostel or hotel front desk staff have generally been a good source for local advice, especially when asked for directions, restaurant recommendations or helping to book licenced taxi rides. 

Use Common Sense 

Live by the same rules in Paris that you typically would back home. A little bit of common sense goes a long way, and can have a huge impact on your travel experience. 

Stick to well-lit and well-travelled areas regardless of the time of day. Don’t carry large amounts of cash or flaunt valuables such as watches, jewellery or cameras. Dress appropriately based on local customs and be respectful (no littering, graffiti or vandalism). Keep your mobile device fully charged to call for help or look up directions if you get lost. 

Don’t arrive to a new city in the middle of the night. It’s always worth it to pay more for a flight that arrives during daylight hours. Be willing to pay more for accommodation located in a safe neighbourhood. Hotels/hostels with better reviews and appropriate safety measures for guests (doors that actually lock, safe for valuables, staffed 24/7) are always worth the price paid.

Always trust your instincts – if something doesn’t feel right, leave immediately and get to a safe location. 

Create an Emergency Plan 

Keep some extra cash and a backup credit or bank card in a secondary location, like a hotel safe, in case your valuables are lost or stolen. Make photocopies and save digital copies (within your e-mail inbox) of important documents, such as your passport, credit cards and travel insurance details. This will make the replacement process much easier. 

If you need to connect with emergency services, make sure you know the phone number to call:

Dial 112 anywhere within the European Union to connect with emergency services.

It’s also a good idea to know where to find the nearest hospital and the location of your home country’s embassy. If you are robbed or your wallet or phone goes missing, remember to cancel your bank and credit cards immediately or suspend your cell phone service. 

Purchase Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is an essential part of any trip. You’ll never think you’ll need it, until you do. It doesn’t matter how careful you are or how much planning you do in advance, unfortunately things can and do go wrong when you travel. And if nothing happens, at least you’ll have some peace of mind knowing that you’re covered. 

SafetyWing is a global travel medical insurance company designed to meet the needs of travellers from all over the world. If you have already left home, it’s not too late to protect yourself. You can still purchase insurance while abroad. 

Consider purchasing travel insurance from SafetyWing for your next trip. You can use the booking widget below to get a quote:

How many stories have you heard about people who encountered a negative experience while abroad and didn’t have insurance? Nobody wants to be stressed out on vacation, owing thousands of dollars out-of-pocket for an unexpected hospital bill. 

Look for a a travel insurance policy that covers:

↠ Emergency medical/accident benefits
↠ Expenses related to COVID-19 (including quarantine)
↠  Trip interruption or cancellation 
↠ Lost checked luggage
↠ Replacement of lost or stolen passport or travel visa 
↠ Reimbursement for costs incurred due to weather or natural disasters 

I travelled around the world for an entire year, and thankfully never had to make a claim. Despite this, I’d still never travel without insurance. It’s a worthwhile investment in your trip that you won’t regret! 

Is Paris Safe to Visit? 

Paris is a safe city for tourists to visit. Although petty crime does occur, it’s possible to keep yourself safe by following a few basic guidelines: 

  • Remain Vigilant 
  • Research before Travelling
  • Blend in with Locals 
  • Stay Connected with Friends & Family
  • Travel in a Group 
  • Notify your Bank
  • Seek Local Advice 
  • Use Common Sense
  • Create an Emergency Plan 
  • Purchase Travel Insurance 

I’ve only visited Paris once, but during my brief two-day visit, I was almost pickpocketed at a metro station and was an attempted target for scammers on the steps leading up to the Sacré-Coeur Basilica. Thankfully I knew what the safety risks were before arriving in Paris and how to protect myself. I also always purchase travel insurance for peace of mind. 

Start Booking Your Adventure

Now that you know how to stay safe, start booking your trip to Paris, France! 

↠ Reserve your accommodation with or Hostelworld
↠ Book your rental car with Discover Cars.
↠ Book your flight with SkyScanner.
↠ Book tours with Get Your Guide
↠ Traveling Solo? Book a Group Tour with G Adventures.
↠ Buy Travel Insurance with SafetyWing or World Nomads.

Recommended Reading

Have any questions about planning your trip to Paris, France? Please share your questions or comments below! 

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